Except sometimes the man sticks back. Minecraft developer Mojang has always taken pride in their sense of humor, sneaking small jokes and jabs into updates and never taking itself too seriously. The Mojang Support twitter regularly tweets comical solutions to customer’s solutions, such as when a user bragged about circumventing Mojang’s name swear filter, which resulted in the Mojang rep changing the user’s name into FluffyBunny5.


But when Mojang developer Marc Watson saw a username disparaging the company, he decided to have some fun. While conducting a search of users to clear up a report of harassment, Watson stumbled upon a Minecraft user named ‘MojangSucksDick.’ While names such as these are often left alone, Watson opted to screw with the user.

When Reddit user jessemoforice logged into his Minecraft account, he found a change. Instead of his typical handle of ‘MojangSucksDick,’ he found his name was now ‘NoWeDont.’ Finding the change hysterical, jessemoforice took to the Reddit Minecraft community to show the change. It was here that Watson revealed he was the one responsible for the new name.

Watson explained that the name wasn’t particularly shocking, but he changed the name for a laugh. Watson explained:

Jessemoforice was not upset about the name change, and Watson thanked the user for having a good sense of humor about the whole thing.

While many questioned whether Mojang would lose its heart after being purchased by Microsoft and losing founder and star developer Notch, it’s nice to see that Mojang can still have fun with its Minecraft fans.

Source: Reddit