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Armor is a crucial part of surviving in Minecraft as it is the best path to protection in the game next to creating a shield. Later in the survival journey, players may want to enchant their suit of armor to add extra qualities to it for better survival and usage. But it’s important to know which effects are most useful.

10 Soul Speed

When traversing the Nether, it can be pretty hard to navigate the dimension considering how shattered the environment is. There are also some blocks that could hinder the journey that players are taking. One of these blocks is soul sand, which drastically slows a player down to the point they are crawling and also has an entire biome dedicated to it in the Soul Sand Valley. Luckily, with the Soul Speed enchantment on the player’s boots, they can march along the soul sand without missing a beat.

9 Blast Protection

Creepers can be brutal to deal with in Minecraft. They have a tendency to sneak up on a player without them noticing and blow them up before they have a chance to react. Those who are worried about these creatures the most should consider getting the Blast Protection enchantment on their armor pieces.

This can minimize the damage that explosives, specifically Creepers and TNT, can do to the player. This may even be helpful during a Wither fight, where explosive skulls are the main Wither attack.

8 Projectile Protection

Being shot out of nowhere can be annoying, but the good news is that there are many ways to make it a little less annoying. In recent times, the best way to defend oneself from projectiles is by getting a shield as, when used at the right time, can stop an incoming arrow from striking the player.

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But there is also Projectile Protection, which was the original way that players could prevent themselves from being hit by a Skeleton and their bow. It may not be as valuable as it once ones, but it can be useful in scenarios where a shield breaks or is unavailable.

7 Aqua Affinity

Being underwater in Minecraft can be challenging, especially when trying to gather things that are on the ocean floor. Breaking blocks that are in the water is a lot harder to deal with as it takes a longer period of time for them to drop. This is made especially more difficult when a player can’t stay underwater for long periods of time.

That is where the Aqua Affinity enchantment comes in. This lets players break blocks at a speed that is nearly the equivalent of breaking them on land, making deep-sea mining a lot more bearable.

6 Depth Strider

Another challenging element of existing underwater for long periods of time is how slow the player moves. Usually, moving on the seafloor means walking at a pace that is slower than walking on soul sand.

This could get frustrating, which is why one of the newer enchantments in the game is Depth Strider. This allows players to walk in the water at a much faster rate. This is most useful when navigating the Ocean Monuments as it allows the player to get around the large temple rather quickly.

5 Fire Protection

Putting mobs aside, the environment can be rather dangerous to navigate. And there is nothing more treacherous than trying to get past fire and lava. Touching either of these will immediately set the player aflame, causing damage for an extended period of time. There is a way to combat the pain, however.

With the Fire Protection enchantment, fire hands out a lot less damage than usual, and stepping in lava for a brief moment may not automatically kill the player. With that in mind, this enchantment does not mean Fire Resistance. Don’t play in lava for too long.

4 Frost Walker

There is a lot more in the ocean after recent updates, but players who are trying to explore their world usually don’t want to be stuck having to swim entire oceans just to find new land. This is why the game has boats available for people who want to get across a large body of water in a speedy matter.

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However, there is also an enchantment that can make crossing the ocean easier. With Frost Walker, players can walk across any body of water and it will immediately turn to ice so players can just skip across huge masses of water without jumping in for a swim.

3 Respiration

Aqua Affinity and Depth Strider are great enchantments when dealing with the water, but players will still only have a limited time to use these if they are completely under and are prone to drowning. This is where the Respiration enchantment becomes crucial.

Respiration allows players to go underwater for a significant amount of time longer than usual before needing to surface. This is the perfect enchantment when trying to work heavily beneath sea level and it makes any major task there a lot easier to tackle as a whole.

2 Feather Falling

It is a common tale in the world of Minecraft where players tend to walk around without watching their step and falling a steep height to their doom. This can be completely preventable by paying attention when moving around, but there is also a potential aide that can be used in case players can’t do so.

With the Feather Falling enchantment, fall damage is greatly reduced to make some steep falls a bit easier to bear. This is great for players that like to explore and navigate the world and want a safety net. Keep in mind that Feather Falling does not prevent all falling deaths.

1 Protection

As noted earlier, there are three different variants of protection that focus on one specific section of the damage spectrum. However, all three of these fall short of giving players the best protection they can have against anything. That’s where the Protection enchantment comes in.

This increases the armor item statistics so that players take even less damage when dealing with any sort of contact, from mobs to fire. For those who are not looking for armor enchantments for a specific situation, the go-to enchantment to try to get is always going to be Protection.

MORE: Minecraft Dungeons: Ranking The Best Armor Enchantments