“If this Administration unwinds that and goes back to the crappy deal that we had with Iran when President Obama was in office, America will be less secure,” he explained during an interview with radio talk show host John Catsimatidis on WABC 770.

“Israel will be less secure. The Middle East will be less secure. And the entire region will be less stable,” Pompeo added.

Pompeo defended the work that former President Donald Trump’s administration did with Iran, saying that under Trump the U.S. made progress with the Middle Eastern nation. However, he also noted that Trump’s administration wasn’t able to reach an agreement that would prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon.

“The Iranians understand strength. They understand power. They understand resolve. We demonstrated that. And when we did, the Iranians backed down,” Pompeo said.

“We didn’t get all the way to where we would’ve hoped we could get in respect to getting Iran to stand down and enter an agreement that would’ve actually avoided them having a nuclear weapon, but we made an awful lot of progress,” he continued.

The former secretary of state’s comments echoed those he made last month during an interview with Newsmax.

“Whether it’s China or Iran or threats from malign actors in other parts of the world, terrorist organizations, what they understand is strength. They understand a leader who is prepared to do the right thing to secure American freedom every day,” Pompeo said on February 22. “And I hope this administration won’t throw that all away.”

Trump left the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in May 2018. The former president then enacted sanctions on the Middle Eastern country that were previously waived under the agreement. Trump also warned allies that they could face similar restrictions if they aided Iran.

Biden has said he would rejoin the deal if Iran came back into compliance regarding limits on stockpiling and enriching uranium.

In a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday, a bipartisan group of 140 lawmakers urged the Biden administration to take a “comprehensive” approach to the threats from Iran before re-entering the nuclear deal.

“As Democrats and Republicans from across the political spectrum, we are united in preventing an Iranian nuclear weapon and addressing the wide range of illicit Iranian behavior,” the lawmakers wrote.

Newsweek reached out to Pompeo, but didn’t hear back in time for publication.