Community-made products like posters, Nendoroids, figurines, and plushies have been a staple cultural aspect for any popular video game title. It’s quite a lucrative market for many individual business owners as well, and these community-driven prospects are why Nendoroids and figurines have seen such a rise in popularity.

However, developers of the video game title often implement restrictions to regularize such trades. And while miHoYo has set guidelines regarding their own trade clauses, they recently opted to update those set of rules and set them on their official forum once and for all.

In a recent tweet, the developers opened up in detail about some of the restrictions that they are enforcing around their game’s fanmade merchandise.

miHoYo makes it clear that community members are allowed to “create original secondary content from already published content of the Genshin Impact series and produce physical merchandise to give away or sell.” However, there are some set guidelines which the community needs to follow in order to trade or sell their products.

miHoYo reiterates guidelines for Genshin Impact merchandise trade

In the guidelines, miHoYo goes over an extensive set of clauses that detail some of the restrictions they are enforcing when it comes to community tradings around their IP.

This is quite helpful for the Genshin Impact community as it clarifies what rules of copyright laws they need to look out for when creating and selling merchandise.

While miHoYo did iterate this set of rules once before, the renewed emphasis on the guidelines is just their attempt at finally setting down some of the regulations in stone.

The Gesnhin Impact community has taken this to be quite a positive step from the developers, and many feel that this will ultimately help the game’s fanmade merchandise business grow.

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